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The live set filled with new sequences of sounds creating glitch effects, dubstep-style synths, hip hop bass, looped filtered chords, percussive bliss or bass grooves.
Great electronica liveset often come out of extensive preparation to match synthesisers and beats, planning and careful orchestration of unique sonic textures and loops. However, there are also the fortunate and surprising occasions when a sound event is captured, sometimes casually or even accidentally, where it demands to be heard.
Opener, Unfolding, sets us up nicely, building slowly but surely. A melodic blisss touched up by vox, gentle beats and a touchy synth which immediately works its way under the skin, while meditation allows the listener to grab a quick breath before its heavy beats. The mix has smatterings of dubstep, future house, nu-disco, hard bass, tough beats, hypnotic tones, forlorn synths and thunder crashes;
Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy the track, my best wishes Christian
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