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Shredders Electric Shock – is a heavy, upbeat, in-your-face rock guitar meets dubstep and electro track!
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Dazzlingly punchy dub-rock opus, and turning up the electric wipe and guitar rock with excitement to either. Now, with his new track Christian introducing a more meaty and striking sound than last years releases. A release to highlight everything that is great about electro synth keys, avoiding a traditional chorus or hook, it’s rocking hardcore guitar-wheeling to the next level.
Shredder is an Australian guitar player who found fame with a local band, and were one of the greatest pub bands at the time.Â
Utilising samples of rock guitar, acoustic guitars, rocking percussion or just electric noise, painting pictures in the listenerʼs mind which somehow feel very personal. Sum it up its a heavy mixture including Bass, Dubstep, Distorted Guitars, Percussion, Multi-Track Drums, and heavy rains of electric Synths. I hope you enjoy the track and thanks for listening.
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Shredders Electric Shock
Shredders Electric Shock – is a heavy, upbeat, in-your-face rock guitar meets dubstep and electro track! Utilising samples of rock guitar, acoustic guitars, rocking percussion or just electric noise, painting pictures in the listenerʼs mind which somehow feel very personal. Sum it up its a heavy mixture including Bass, Dubstep, Distorted Guitars, Percussion, Multi-Track Drums, and heavy rains of electric Synths. I hope you enjoy the track and thanks for listening.