[kc_row _id=”974364″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”665574″][kc_single_image image_size=”large” _id=”647424″ image_source=”featured_image” css_custom=”{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`image-style`:{`padding|img`:`inherit inherit 45px inherit`}}}}”][kc_column_text _id=”786814″]

Cold flames a track inspired by a cheezy poem I read but didn’t leave my thoughts for a while.

“The trees burning with the colours of yellow and red, yet your heart is frozen dead, but while we drunken stupor lasts, we’re living, wild and fast, but then she whispers in the night cold flames are not shining bright”.

The sounds are euphoric and avant-garde experiments with chill-out techniques utilised by indie and house. Great electronica with dark twists and a blend of gentle Guitar, Piano, drum’n’bass, and orchestral elements. Crystal-clear with sounds quite lush, feat. instruments like Piccolo, Balalaika and Cello to equally beautiful effect. The upbeat and feel good style of modern dance music melodic with a plethora of retro style synth elements. The main beat is simpler than most house music, with more similarities to classic Disco, and the bass synth are comprised of synthesised slap-bass line.

It’s melodic with a plethora of retro style synth elements. It’s lyrically focused, although the lyrics in this song are on the vague side compared to other Nu-disco tracks. The percussion in this track is of particular importance in really understanding the genre.

As always I hope you enjoy the track and thanks for listening.

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musical poem cold flames

Cold flames a track inspirit by a sentence I read and goes like this “The trees burning with the colours of yellow and red, yet your heart is frozen dead, but while we drunken stupor lasts, we’re living, wild and fast, but then she whispers in the night cold flames are not shining bright”. The sounds are euphoric and avant-garde experiments with chill-out techniques utilised by indie and house. Great electronica with dark twists and a blend of gentle Guitar, Piano, drum’n’bass, and orchestral elements. Crystal-clear with sounds quite lush, feat. instruments like Piccolo, Balalaika and Cello to equally beautiful effect. The upbeat and feel good style of modern dance music melodic with a plethora of retro style synth elements. The main beat is simpler than most house music, with more similarities to classic Disco, and the bass synth are comprised of synthesised slap-bass line.

It’s melodic with a plethora of retro style synth elements. It’s lyrically focused, although the lyrics in this song are on the vague side compared to other Nu-disco tracks. The percussion in this track is of particular importance in really understanding the genre.